As the newest intern at Earthseawarrior, I cordially invite you to follow me in my journey down the rabbit hole, if an atypical rabbit hole in the sense that our rabbit hole has become an unwalled loft somewhere in Brooklyn three stops away from Union Square (Alice would be shocked!), where time ceases to exist in the most inexplicable manner. Unlike Alice, I did not end up falling into a mysterious corridor but instead I landed at a metal long table armed with a Mac and a multitude of air plants but sadly a lack of tea and cake, chasing not a white rabbit but a vision of octopi in glass beakers.

Maybe appealing to my experiences in chemistry lab or maybe from a young obsession with stories from the sea and Odysseus, it was almost as if the tentacles of the octopi were latching me on and drawing me in. Then again, maybe I was just hungry. Regardless, now more deeply entrenched within the rabbit hole and with a little more warrior in my system, here is a quick compilation of the things that I have learned thus far in my journey.
How to survive the zombie apocalypse aka how to wire lights aka probably actually not too useful in a situation where electricity is gone and probably not useful in any sense even if there were electricity during the zombie apocalypse but one can only hope that maybe the zombies will be so impressed with my expert wiring that they couldn’t possibly let such an amazing member of society be merely sustenance.
How to make people happy during the next holiday season. With my newfound packing skills, never again will I stoop down to the level of packing my presents in a paper or plastic bag. Thank you tissue paper gods.
Medusa is not only a snake haired woman intent on turning all people to stone but also, an incredibly sick looking air plant.
Business secrets stay in the business (in a less Godfather-esque but still badass way).
Signing off till next time,
Signing off till next time,
ESW + Refinery29! yessssssss.
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Tales from the Rabbit Hole 2
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