Inspired by one of ESW's childhood favorite movies, "Return to Oz", is another Creepy Cute Collectible Creation with an extra special twist, LIVE Air Plant wings!
Return to Oz is the story of Dorothy 6 months after her first adventure to the Emerald City. She's spent months battling insomnia while telling stories of a magical place. Aunt Em sends her to a psychiatric clinic where the doctor turns out to be sinister. During a terrible thunder storm, she manages to escape with a mysterious girl (Ozma), who helps bring her back to the Land of Oz! However, instead of Toto, Dorothy arrives with her chicken, Billina. They find Oz in a state of ruin, after the Evil Vain Witch and a Nome King traps Ozma in a mirror and destroys everything that makes the land magical.
This beautiful brown bisque doll has been hatched by Dorothy's chicken Bellina. The baby has little wings growing from its arms that are made from two LIVE Air Plants.
Billina's baby sits on a Apophyllite Crystal, where Billina nests her baby. The crystal has stunning details with a maroon brown rock bottom that slowly transitions into cubed crystals and little points of Apophyllite crystals. The baby is permanently attached to the crystal stone but the Air Plant wings can be removed for watering.
- Entire piece measures approx: 4"H x 3"W x 2"L
- Apophyllite specimens are found in ancient lava and basalt flows. The crystals grow in the now solid cavities, called amygdules or vesicles, formed by air bubbles when the rock was molten. Apophyllite is also found in the voids in the contact metamorphic zone limestones that surround intrusive rocks
- Air Plants, also known as Tillandsia, are very low maintenance. They don't require soil to grow, only moderate light, proper air flow and a good soak every week
- A FREE 4oz bottle of ESW Air Plant Fertilizer is included with purchase!
- Detailed care instructions will also be sent with purchase
Air Plantz cannot ship outside of the United States.
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