From ESWz *ONE OF A MAYAN KIND* Collection is this Special Science Beaker that contains the ONE of the DEADLIEST CREATURES IN the world… A Portuguese MAN O' WAR JELLYFISH... AND its being guarded by an Ocean Jasper sitting on a Quartz Crystal.
The Man O' War JellyFish (also known as Physalia) is part of a complex hydrozoan colony and features a hat-like float and tentacle. Its venomous tentacles can deliver a powerful sting. Despite its outward appearance, the man o' war is not a true jellyfish… its actually a siphonophore, which differs from jellyfish in that it is not actually a single creature, but a colonial organism!
Corking the top of this beautiful killer *Dream Quartz* crystal cluster. This dream island is druzey, bright, AND contains green venomous looking smoke that contain inclusions of other minerals. These inclusions may occur when quartz forms around a smaller crystal or where different types of minerals form at the same site.
The Ocean Jasper Skull has been carved with amazing detail from one piece of stone and has been polished to perfection and is the guardian to his ocean friend. Ocean Jasper is in the quartz family but is a rare silicon dioxide mineral that occurs in highly silicified rhyolite. The peculiar orbs or "bull's eye" patterns are caused when Quartz and feldspar crystallize in radial aggregates of needle shaped crystals.
When displayed in bright light, this beautiful specimen bottle AND the *Dream Quartz Cluster* reflect deadly rainbow magic *))
- Beaker is 250ml
- Entire piece measures approx: 7.5"H
- The round bottom "boiling flask" beaker is filled with an alcohol solution, which keeps this lil killer well preserved inside.
- This item is US shipping only.
Story Behind Inspiration:
After my Mayan Cenotes trip in 2009, it took me 2 years to share the details of my personal experience inside the Mayan's Cenotes. I didn't have the words. 3 years later, after my trip back, I've returned with that same feeling. However, this time around, ESW is no longer a dream, its here waiting for me to use the warrior gift that the Mayan's awakened in me the first time around... which I immediately felt when creating this embodiment of my experience.
*Apertures to the Underworld*
The crystal quartz cave represents the Cenotes.
The skull represents the Mayan Sacrifices in the Cenotes.
The cork represents the tree roots that grow down into the caves.
The jellyfish is the poison that stung my "ocean" arm the day after we emerged from the caves.
The trapped rainbows represent the energy that I've carried with me everyday since.